DAP- Puerto Rico needs your help!


Disaster Assistance Partnerships (DAP) CALL TO ACTION

Hurricanes IRMA and MARIE last September devastated many parts of the Caribbean and much of Puerto Rico where there are few resources to devote to recovery of home economics programs. DAP has already helped several islands in the Caribbean in cooperation with CAHE, where colleagues and FCS/home economics programs on affected islands received assistance from DAP. It is clear that our continued efforts will benefit our colleagues in Puerto Rico where the suffering from the hurricanes destruction continues to be dire and profound!

Hearing directly from our colleagues from Puerto Rico at AAFCS Convention in June, it became clear that resources for recovery of fcs/home economics programs in the hardest hit and often most needy areas are desperately needed. DAP and the International Home Economics Services Board agreed that we need to take action similar to what was done for the Caribbean Islands. Our local, state, national and international colleagues and supporters will work together with our Puerto Rican colleagues to coordinate our response.

Schools selected are going to need anything and everything that can be used in an fcs/home economics classroom. Puerto Rico FCS programs are diverse and teachers are resilient, often working with a bare minimum of everything daily. We need donations of teacher resources such as textbooks and curriculum materials as well as equipment and materials for Culinary, Foods and Nutrition, Clothing, Child Development, Family Resource Management, Hospitality and crafts courses, etc. Materials in both English and Spanish are useful. We will also need additional money for shipping and the purchase of some items needed but not donated.


Individually: Contribute items in good condition that would be useful for the operation of a home economics program (see partial list) and/or donate money for shipping and expenses. Donated items from individuals will need to be sent OR BROUGHT to our storage facility at: DAP, c/o Juanita Mendenhall, 122 Point Lane, Ridgeway, SC 29130. Monetary donations should be sent to: Luann Boyer, Finance Director, IFHE-US, 22500 County Rd. 21, Ft. Morgan, CO 80701-9337. Notation for check: IFHE-US/DAP, Fund/hurricanes. See information below for shipping info. Many cars full of supplies were driven to our warehouse distribution center for the Caribbean. This worked well for people traveling elsewhere that could make the deliveries on the way.

As an FCS Affiliate, FCCLA or other organization: Organize and plan for gathering materials, such as designating a coordinator for DAP, set time, method and location for gathering donations and boxing items for shipment. Contact Juanita Mendenhall so we can work together on arrangements. This would make a great Affiliate, FCCLA or other group project. You may wish to have a fundraiser in support of expenses. Any funds generated should be sent to LuAnn Boyer as indicated above. (Even schools held fundraisers for the islands.)

Assist on Site in South Carolina: We work out of three large storage units near Lake Wateree and need help with sorting, packing, labeling and shipping the donated items. We will have a “Packing Days” once the weather cools a bit and notioces will be sent in advance. Persons come and go as they can. These are fun days that build community for participants as they help others. Arrangements for overnight are possible.

CONTACT: Juanita Mendenhall, DAP Coordinator, 122 Point Lane, Ridgeway, SC 29130.
Ph: 803-337-4012; Cell: 803-413-0719; juanitam@usit.net

DAP hopes to be able to send materials for 3 schools in each of seven districts as identified by Aurea Dominich, PR DOE FCS Director, as most in need of assistance. (21 schools) We will need your help to do it!!!

Information below is from discussions with Aurea Dominich, FCS Director, Ministry of Education, Puerto Rico. Teaching is done in Spanish but teachers can use materials in English and learning English is a “ core curricumlm standard” so, although Spanish is preferred by students, schools can use both. ANY materials in Spanish will be greatly appreciated. “FCS programs have the highest enrollment at Career Centers in Puerto Rico.” Also, from discussion with Dr. Wanda Figueroa and 6 other members of the PRFCS that attended AAFCS in June, the Puerto Rico FCS Association will assist with the project.

Culinary Arts, Foods, Nutrition Courses: (Are there any textbooks, materials in Spanish for this area?)
All lab equipment: Cookware, bakeware and utensils of all kinds. Tableware: dishes, cups, glasses, flatware, serving and storing containers; pitchers, cutlery, tablecloths, etc.

Fashion Design, Construction/Sewing, Merchandizing Courses: (Measurements are mostly metric but are able to use other.) Instruction materials, fabrics (especially denium and cotton), notions, sewing machines, irons, pressing and other equipment.

Child Care/Early Childhood/Parenting and Health and Safety: Texts and posters, educational toys or childrens learning equipment, “Baby-Think-It-Over’s”, Teen Pregnancy Prevention materials, family health.

Creative Arts: Crafts (instruction books, materials, kits), yarns and threads, crafts fabric and equipment, needles. Quilting, especially smaller items and patterns, personal and home décor instructions and supplies.

ADDITIONALLY, Leaders of the Cooperative Extension Service in PR have requested canning and food preservation supplies, especially glass jars and lids. We will collect and send these, too.

If you can imagine they need “it” they probably do!

IF YOU NEED CLARIFICATION contact: Juanita Mendenhall, DAP Director: juanitam@usit.net
Ph: 803-337-4012 or Cell: 803-413-0719 or text message


Puerto Assistance Memo 2018

Ready to help out with the IFHE World Congress 2020? Sign up to help be a juror for Travel Grants


Call for Jurors for the IFHE WORLD CONGRESS 2020

Travel Grants Committee


Seeking IFHE-US members to serve as jurors on the Travel Grants Committee


IFHE-US plans to offer 45, $1,000 travel grants to attendees from developing countries.

Travel grant applications will be submitted electronically.

Jurors will review the applications and recommend awardees using established criteria.


August -December 2018                  Recruit jurors

September-November 2018           Develop application and evaluation criteria

December 2018                                   Post application and evaluation criteria on World Congress website

January 2019                                        Jurors reconfirm commitment to participate in the selection process

June-August 2019                              Applications accepted

September-October 2019               Applications reviewed, scored and awardees selected.

November 2019                                  Awardee list sent to World Congress Steering Committee

December 2019                                   Travel grant awards announced

December 2019                                   World Congress 2020 registration opens



Please email ritatwood@verizon.net to volunteer.