The International Federation for Home Economics affiliate in the United States (IFHE-US) began in a structure meeting at Lake Jackson, Florida in January 1996.
The formal creation of IFHE-US was with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), effective in 1999. The first meeting of the IFHE-US Board of Directors was held at the AAFCS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, June 1999 with Juanita Mendenhall serving as the first President.
Board of Directors
President: Nina Roofe (Email)
Past President: Sue Buck (Email)
Director, Finance: Luann Boyer (Email)
Director, Professional Development & Programs: Kim Kamin (Email)
Director, Communications: Lori Myers (Email)
Director, Young Professional Network: Kathryn Carroll (Email)
Recorder: Karen Bergh ((Email)
Director, IFHE-US Development: Mia Russell (Email)
Director, United Nations Liaison: Susan Shockey (Email)
Nomination Chair: Cheryl Empey (Email)
Region of the Americas IFHE Vice President: Janine Duncan (Email)
Region of the Americas Member Representative: Audrey Drayton (Email)
Director, United Nations Liaison: Susan Shockey (Email)