Household Technology Webinar
Dear IFHE members
Thanks to the initiative of a very active IFHE Programme Committee, we can warmly invite you to attend a webinar on technology & sustainability. Members of the committee share their research on solar cookers, water management, food hygiene & environmental stability. Each topic is presented for 15 minutes, followed by a short discussion. The event is moderated by Pamela TURNER, Chair of the Committee Household Technology & Sustainability.
28 OCTOBER 9-10:30 am (Atlanta, USA)
World Food Day: October 16th
Young Professional Network Webinar: October 22nd
Young Professional Network Webinar- Sign up On October 22, 2020 at 4:00 pm Eastern time, Dr. Amanda McCloat, Director of the IFHE Young Professionals Network (YPN), will hold a webinar discussing the YPN, its benefits, and the importance of young professionals’ involvement.
Dr. McCloat is the Head of the Home Economics Department at St. Angela’s College and will speak to interested Family & Consumer Sciences professionals from Sligo, Ireland. This will be a great time for you to learn more about the benefits of being involved in IFHE, and we would love to have additional participants in the YPN.
Students, new professionals, and the young at heart are all invited to attend. Please RSVP to Carmen Pedersen, GAFCS Counselor at carmen.n.pedersen@gmail.com by October 16 to receive a link and future updates about the webinar.
Call for Experts
IFHE plans to submit a statement to the United Nations Commission for Social Development 2021 and is inviting members to contribute.
Theme of the statement is “Socially just transition towards sustainable development: the role of digital technologies on social development and well-being of all”.
We are looking for experts on home economics & digital technologies to contribute to the statement. The more aspects and perspectives we can add, the better.
If you are interested, please send your contact details and background to Annette.ptassek@ifhe.org until 5 October 2020.
More on the Commission on Social Development 2021:
Many thanks for your participation and support!
IFHE Office Bonn
IFHE Cultural Evening at AAFCS (Virtual)

Please make sure to scroll through the arrows at the bottom of the document to get to the second page of information.
2020-Virtual-Cultural-Evening-1Virtual Conference for AAFCS
2020 AAFCS Virtual Conference
We have taken our in-person annual conference online with ZOOM! Although we regret that the Coronavirus pandemic will keep us from gathering face-to-face for an engaging conference experience in Baltimore, we are still providing you many opportunities to connect with one another and connect to interactive professional development sessions! The Virtual Conference is open to anyone, but you must be fully registered to participate.
If you have any questions, please send your email to sandrade@aafcs.org.
This website is your go-to spot for:
- registration (rates, deadlines, etc.)
- important policies and online access FAQs
- the 2-day live event schedule
- donate now to become a Friend of FCS and your name will appear on a virtual wall on the AAFCS website and will be preserved for archival purposes to mark our 1st historic virtual conference. In addition, your name will be included in the Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences.
International Day of Families
Global Perspectives Community meeting @ AAFCS

Below are the times the Global Perspectives Community has events at the AAFCS Annual Meeting 2020 in Baltimore:
- June 26 Business Meeting 3:15 to 4:15 PM
- June 28 Luncheon 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM
For a link to the full Conference-at-a-Glance go to: https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/AAFCS/14c972df-4985-47f0-9bf6-36d357fb5661/UploadedImages/AC2020/PAAG/AAFCS_AC_Draft_Program_at_a_Glance_2_20_20.pdf
Annual Meeting Berlin, Germany: March 4-6, 2020

Annual Meeting 2020
4.-6. March 2020, Bonn, Germany
The Annual Meeting focuses on “Advancing IFHE: successful stories & learning examples” and World Home Economics Days 2021-2023.
Registration deadline is 28 January 2020, members register by paying a 95 Euro registration fee through the IFHE online payment