Register for IFHE World Congress

Postponed XXIV IFHE World Congress – Coming to Atlanta in September 2022

Register now for the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) World Congress 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia, September 6-10, 2022.  This Congress only occurs every four years, and has not been in the United States since 1988. Early bird registration with lower fees closes on May 10.

The Congress theme is Soaring Toward Sustainable Development. Consider all the ways you foster a global perspective as you prepare children, youth, families and communities for sustainable futures. Gather on an international stage to share expertise, explore ideas and network with colleagues from around the globe.

The in-person experience will include opening and closing cultural evenings, plenary sessions, workshops and symposiums, the EXPO (posters, textiles & design and exhibitors), Learning Day on the Move (educational tours), and nine concurrent sessions.  There will be a Congress APP which will include the Congress schedule, 48 of the concurrent sessions and prerecorded presentations from authors unable to attend.

For working educators, there is a Virtual Educator’s Pre Congress – Globalizing the FCS Classroom and Integrating Sustainability PerspectivesSaturday, August 27, featuring Donna Pendergast, Griffith University, Australia. This workshop is designed to inspire educators to incorporate globalization and sustainability in their courses and develop strategies to use as a platform for strengthening their programs and the profession.

If you cannot attend in-person, you can participate in most activities through the Congress APP. All registered attendees will have access to the APP until December 10, 2022. To learn more about the World Congress 2022, go to or contact the Congress Co-Chairs Bev Card (bmwcard@gmail.coml) or Janine Duncan (   Discounted registration is available for members and students; find IFHE-US Membership information at 

Abstract Submissions for World Congress Extended

We are pleased to inform you that the submission deadline has been extended to October 1, 2021, for all abstracts (research, best practice, exhibition, and meetings).  We are mindful of the continuing effects of the COVID 19 pandemic.  We respect the concerns shared with IFHE leaders around the world, concerning the status of vaccinations and international travel.

At this time, there are already 140 abstracts submitted!  All colleagues are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for review, no matter your presumed travel status.  As the United States prepares for the Congress, we continue to monitor the situation and are exploring strategies to meet the needs of accepted presenters who might be prohibited from traveling by country or institutional mandate.  

More information on how to submit can be found here.

Reminder to Save the Date: IFHE World Congress 2022

Today would have been the grand IFHE World Congress opening in Atlanta, USA. We dearly regret that we had to postpone this important event and networking opportunity for our profession.

Thanks to the committment of our host IFHE-US, we can look now forward to holding the IFHE World Congress 4-10 September 2022. Please save the date and don’t  don’t miss this global event for home economics exchange.

Registration deadlines and information regarding submission (2020 and 2022) can be found attached below or at the IFHE website:

With kind regards
Annette and Anke (IFHE Office)


Requests for Congress Refunds

Dear members and friends,

Please note that refund requests for the IFHE World Congress must be received by August 1, 2020.

Requests must be submitted to the Congress Co-chairs Bev Card and Janine Duncan (find their contact details at the Congress Website:

Other registrations will be credited for 2022 Congress

With kind regards,
IFHE Office Bonn

IFHE World Congress Postponed – 2022

May 29, 2020
Dear IFHE-US members and colleagues,
As the pandemic is challenging our way of life, we are seeing that many conferences are being cancelled. For over 100 years, the IFHE World Congress has been a source of inspiration to home economists around the globe, but we care about your health and want to do our part to keep everyone safe. We have therefore decided to postpone the IFHE World Congress 2020.
Today, we are announcing that the XXIV IFHE World Congress will be held 4-10 September 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia USA at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. We already look forward to welcoming you there!
Postponing the Congress comes with many organizational decisions. Over the next month, plans will be announced regarding accepted abstracts and refund options. These will be posted on the XXIV World Congress website (see link below).
The 2020 Council Meeting will take place online. Most countries have already nominated delegates who will be informed in a separate email.
Please continue to check the World Congress website for any updates.
Thank you for your patience.


Challenge to donate to climate exhibitor- IFHE World Congress

From Virginia (Ginny) Vincenti

Challenge to donate to climate exhibitor-IFHE World Congress

The Exhibit Committee of the International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE) 2020 World Congress, August 2-8 Atlanta, GA, is seeking donations to support the participation of Citizens’ Climate Lobby/Citizens’ Climate Education which works nationally and globally. Since the theme of Congress is “Sustainable Development”, we think we really need an exhibitor on climate issues and solutions.

This organization also wants to do an exhibit and 60-minute interactive workshop to help us better understand the complexities of this problem and solutions.   It has produced videos and other science-based materials and info you could use in your professional practice.

However, the cost of $1,000 is more than their budget allows. I feel strongly we need this perspective so I am challenging you to make a tax-deductible donation that I will match so that we can have access to this valuable information.  You will receive a receipt for your donation from IFHE-US.  Send your check written to IFHE-US with a memo for “climate exhibitor” to:

            Luann Boyer, IFHE-US Director of Finance

            22500 CR 21

            Fort Morgan, CO 80701 


Virginia (Ginny) Vincenti