International Home Economics Services Offers Eight Scholarships to Attend the XXIV IFHE World Congress 2020
The International Home Economics Services (IHES) invites home economics professionals from developing countries to apply for financial assistance with expenses to attend the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) World Congress in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 2-8, 2020.
The Congress theme is “Home Economics: Soaring Toward Sustainable Development.” Applications are welcome from any IFHE member (There is still time to join IFHE by going on line to ifhe.org). A priority for the IHES scholarship is to promote engagement by emerging professionals, thus
- International graduate students who are studying in a home economics-related program in the United States or Canada are especially encouraged to apply, with priority given to those from countries in Africa, South and Central America, and Puerto Rico.
- Preference will be given to members of IFHE who have not yet attended an IFHE Congress.
Eight (8) IHES scholarships will be given. Each scholarship will provide $1700 USD. Applications need to show that the applicant has resources for the remainder of the Congress expenses.
Applications are due no later than September 15, 2019. Applications are to be submitted via e-mail to the address at the end of the application form. The IHES scholarship selection committee will review the applications and select the recipients. Notification of awards will be sent no later than November 1, 2019.
Please help IHES distribute this information to individuals who may need financial assistance to attend the XXIV IFHE World Congress 2020 and who will use the experience to enrich home economics in their country and internationally.
Contact person for IHES Scholarship information:
Mary Warnock, IHES President