“Home Economics: Soaring Toward Sustainable Development”
2nd – 8th August 2020
Atlanta Hyatt Regency Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Your IFHE-US colleagues are excited to welcome you to the United States. The Congress will feature many traditional activities and some new ones, which include:
- First Timers Event – orientation for newcomers
- University Reunions – network with others from same US school
- Learning Day on the Move – combines traditional educational and technical excursions with home visits
- Professional Insights Into Sustainable Development Through Home Economics Programs – for university students and professionals
- Youth Insights Into Sustainable Development Through Home Economics Program – for secondary students
Special considerations:
- Package A includes Social Program; Package B is registration only; Package B additions adds selected parts of the Social Program
- One day registration available
- Learning Day on the Move – registration includes 1st $50 of cost
Ready for your review are:
- First Announcement which includes Hotel Information
- Second Announcement which includes registration and Learning Day on the Move descriptions
- Call for Abstracts
- Congress Budget Worksheet
- Tentative Program-at-a-Glance
- Visa information to enter the United States and Letter of Invitation
Important Dates: April 10, 2020
- Early-bird Registration Ends
- Presenter Registration Deadline
For more information go to: IFHE World Congress 2020.