Celebrate 2021 World Home Economics Day-Age Friendly Homes and Communities.
Join the IFHE-US Board of Directors in an event to celebrate World Home Economics Day. Dr. Virginia Vincenti, Professor Emeritus of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wyoming, will share Resources on Elder Abuse and Elder Financial Exploitation. Followed by question-and-answer session. Short reports will be made about in innovative program at the University of Connecticut that focuses on students addressing aging in communities and an update by the World Congress 2022 co-chairs. Grab your lunch or breakfast depending on your time zone and join this informative session.
The event will be held via Zoom. The event should last about 1.5 hours. Send an e-mail to Kim Kamin, kimkamin2018@gmail.com to receive the link. The link will be sent a week before the event. PDU’s will be applied for.